The Role of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) in Sustaining Indonesia as a World-Halal Industry Center


  • Zulfikar Hasan STAIN Bengkalis Riau
  • Nur Indira STAIN Bengkalis Riau

Kata Kunci:

banking performance, halal industry


  This study aims to determine the extent of BSI's role in supporting Indonesia as the centre of the world's halal industry. BSI, as a sharia bank with the largest assets in Indonesia, is expected to play a good role so that it can become a facilitator both in the form of financing and the collection of third-party funds (DPK) in the halal industry. The halal industry is a form of effort to improve the welfare of people who run an economy based on sharia law. The data collection technique used was descriptive qualitative, namely analyzing the sources of information, which were then compiled into a framework for discussion and ended with conclusions. The results of this study are the optimization of the role of Islamic banks in developing the halal industry in Indonesia must receive moral and material support from the central government and local governments as well as interested stakeholders.


