Nilai Budaya dan Nilai Perempuan dalam Cerpen “Tahlil Kerinduan” pada Republika Daring


  • Andi Nurindah Sari IAIN PAREPARE
  • Shafariana Shafariana IAIN PAREPARE

Kata Kunci:

nilai perempuan, tahlil kerinduan, cerpen


This research is a descriptive qualitative research. This study aims to (1) reveal the cultural values depicted and (2) the values of women revealed in the short story "Tahlil Kerinduan". The data used in this study are short stories that represent cultural values and women's values in the short story entitled "Tahlil Kerinduan". This data was taken from a short story data source entitled "Tahlil Kerinduan" by Baqir Madani in Republika Daring which was uploaded on May 16, 2019. The data collection technique in this study, namely library documentation. The data analysis technique in this study uses data analysis techniques by Milles and Huberman. Namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusion taking, and verification. The results of the research in the form of the short story "Tahlil Kerinduan" by Baqir Madani in Republika Daring have cultural values, including (1) the value of the nature of human life in the form of belief in destiny, belief in tradition, belief in the supernatural; (2) the value of the essence of human work in the form of patience, hard work, and perseverance; (3) the value of the nature of human life in space and time in the form of the use of time orientation; and (4) the value of the nature of human relationships with each other in the form of matchmaking, criteria for life companions, openness to others, obligations of a wife, honesty, and trust. In addition, Baqir Madani's short story "Tahlil Kerinduan" in Republika Daring contains women's values in the form of picture frames, pillar images, contest images, plate images, and social images.


