Strategy for Internalizing Islamic Religious Education to Form the Religious Character of the Striped Santri Towards the Era of Society 5.0


  • Mukh Nursikin Salatiga State Islamic University


The purpose of this study was to determine the Internalization Strategy of Islamic Religious Education to Form the Religious Character of the striped Santri Towards the Era of Society 5.0. Loreng Santri (Ex-Thug Santri), thugs and recidivists who want to repent, improve themselves at the Tombo Ati Istigfar Islamic Boarding School, Semarang, Central Java. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive analytic research approach, also using theoretical literature research by experts on Islamic education in character building and field research. Data collection, observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation, then followed by the stages of description, reduction, selection, discussion, analysis and conclusion. The results of the study revealed the Internalization Strategy of Islamic Religious Education to shape the religious character of Santri Loreng towards the era of society 5.0; namely teaching the values ​​of Islamic education gradually, strengthening the intention to change, being determined and being forced, exemplifying the four levels; Shari'a, tariqah, essence and makrifat, being fair, patient, wise, compassionate, helping each other, prioritizing bilhikmah wal mauidlotil hasanah, teaching not to be ghosob (borrowing without permission), habituating good moral behavior, understanding the values ​​of the Qur'an and Hadith without coercion, local wisdom values ​​of  Boarding School tradition (wearing sarongs and caps), no coercion in worship according to the ability of the students. The implication is that there is a very significant change in that those who do not understand religion now practice religious values, the response from the community is to give trust and make Islamic boarding schools a complete Islamic educational institution.


